16 April 2010

Regarding Lawn Ornaments

Upon several months of observation, I have concluded that lawn ornaments in Michiana tend to fall into one of several categories:
  • Animal: deer, rabbits, and those ubiquitous geese (often dressed up).
  • Religious (primarily Catholic): angels, Francis with his birds, Mary.
  • Unimaginative: rocks, sometimes with the family name or a Notre Dame logo.
While the habitats of these different groups rarely overlap, there are occasional instances where one can spy both rocks and concrete deer, or a smartly-dressed goose sharing a yard with the Virgin Mother of God. Kitsch, it seems, is inherently democratic: it is the great leveler.

Someday, when I am a home-owner (and thus, probably, more conservative, a good deal more in debt, and more likely to shout at children to get off my lawn), I think I might get one of those geese. (I have a high opinion of the Theotokos, mind you, but I have no desire to display her in my yard.)


  1. You are very far along on the road of enlightenment. Kitsch serves the greater good. Post more pictures, it is a source of constant entertainment.

  2. Ross, Thanks for visiting my site. We always look forward to a new and fresh perspective. I'll be checking by to see what else you are up up to.

  3. Oh, I hope you don't come here anticipating much more lawn art! I do enjoy it, but it's one of many interests. (I never quite got the hang of that whole 'topical blog' thing.) I do appreciate your site, though!
